Saturday, March 23, 2024

 US Navy warships have the tools to fend off exploding drones like those wrecking a Russian fleet, but it's a dangerous and evolving threat. 

In two conflicts separated by more than 1,000 miles, US friends and foes alike have turned to a deadly weapon to defeat their enemy's warships: small naval drones packed with explosives.

For over a year, Ukraine has relied on these systems to blast Russian warships in the Black Sea, and more recently, the Houthis have used them — albeit unsuccessfully — in their ongoing attacks against shipping lanes off the coast of Yemen.

Such engagements have raised questions about the preparedness of Western navies. US warships and aircraft, for example, are showing they're capable of defeating the Houthi's naval drones, but these kinds of systems are likely to prove an evolving threat, as they have in the Black Sea. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Jeremiah wrote, “God’s plans for you are for good, to give you a future and a hope.” Part of His sovereign will is to be good to you. There are blessings coming that are unstoppable.

  God is strategic. He has laid out an exact plan for our lives right down to the smallest details. He knows the people you need to meet in order to fulfill your destiny. He knows who is going to give you a good break and who is going to put in a good word for you. He knows when someone is going to need to be there to help you out of a difficult time. God has it all figured out. He is not vague or approximate. He is orchestrating your life right down to the very second, causing you to be at the right place at the right time so you can meet the right people that He has ordained before the foundation of the world.

You probably can look over your life and see how, time after time, God directed your steps to the exact moment. If you had been ten seconds earlier or ten seconds later, things would have played out differently. That’s God orchestrating His plan. That’s God ordering your steps. All you have to do is stay faithful to Him and follow His leading because in the end, His plan will stand!
Father, thank You for orchestrating my life. I trust that my times are in Your hands. I trust that You are working things out for my good as I keep my faith and hope in You in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

 Paul said in Ephesians, “Because of our faith in Christ, we can come fearlessly into God’s presence, assured of His glad welcome.” There’s nothing more important to God than you.

Saturday, March 16, 2024


 She also lost an engine as she was running out 

of fuel. And landed it like a pro. 

God was with her. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Larry Elder "Denzel Washington Telling the Truth About Race...


What's crazy is that although much of this focused on the
black community, the white community is just as easily the
same. Any kid of any color that grows up without the right people
in the home and without the right environment ends up being
raised by the streets. It's actually one of the things that you can step
back and view beyond any racial lens. That's a human thing,
not a racial thing.


If a white child has no father - problems will happen.

Whoever wrote the above - nailed it.

Trump THREATENS Woke Governor To Her Face For Not Complying With Trans B...

They want to put trans rights over women's right. It doesn't make any sense. Thank God my daughters never had to deal with this in s...