Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Kamala Losing in EVERY Poll & Mysogistic Men Are to Blame

I'm a black man and my wife finally turn away from the Democratic
party because of Barack Obama disrespect to us black brothers!
Trump 2024! 💯

Frankly, I can't believe Harris' polling is that good. It means half this
country is just plain stupid.

Friday, October 11, 2024

She’s Right: Black American Culture is Dying. Ghetto Black People Are to...

I'm black and I was raised in the hood, but my parents DID NOT
LET ME GO THAT ROUTE. They wanted me to get out and be a
good human. I thank them for that everyday!!

Comedian Eddie Griffin, Lord Jamar EXPOSE Kamala's FAKE BLACKNESS!

Spot on Video  !!!!!!!!!!!! 

Preach / Brothers / Preach !!!!!!  

We been saying this about these FOOD COST 

and $ 750 per family wth .......  

Kamala Harris is a complete joke. Border left wide open 

for 3 years and 12 Million Illegals came in to the US. They 

got money, but  FEMA and Hurricane Victims broke ????!!!! 


She will take you're Guns away. See older Videos of her. 

Hitler did the same thing. Took the peoples guns away. 

She is crazy, her reversal on everything.  Hypocrite.   Liar. 

Cost of Food, Gas, Rent, etc., up 20 - 25 % in her last 3 years. WTH 

She signed the Bills into law....   smh    

Trump THREATENS Woke Governor To Her Face For Not Complying With Trans B...

They want to put trans rights over women's right. It doesn't make any sense. Thank God my daughters never had to deal with this in s...